Enrico Anfuso
Ph.D. Student
Predoctoral Staff
- Bachelor degree in Aerospace Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan (2015)
- 6 months Erasmus program at the Royal Melbourne Insitute of Technology (2018)
- Master's degree in Aeronautical Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan (2018)
- Junior Avionic Engineering at Leonardo Helicopters company, Milan (2019)
- Research Master student at the Von Karman Institute (2020)
- Ph.D. student at the VUB & VKI (2020 - ) supported by the Research Foundation Flanders
My work is about free stream characterization of plasma wind tunnels that reproduce the aero-thermochemical environment encountered during an atmospheric entry. My research mainly focuses on enthalpy characterization studying the role played by the chemistry kinetics modelings and plasma instabilities. Experimental campaigns will be carried out at the VKI Plasmatron facility. Tools such as robust uncertainty quantification and machine learning algorithms (e.g. feature extractions and classification techniques) are exploited to post-process the data.
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1050 Brussels