Svend Bram
Svend Bram holds a degree in electro-mechanical engineering from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and obtained his Ph.D. at VUB in 2002 on the topic of evaporative regeneration in gas turbine cycles. From 2002 until 2008 he worked at the department of mechanical engineering (MECH) at VUB where he setup a T100 CHP microturbine test facility to perform experiments for flexible power production through steam and water injection. From 2008 until 2014 he was a lecturer at the department of Industrial Sciences and Technology (IWT) of the Erasmus University College in Brussels (EhB) where he setup a lab for real-time measurements of particulate emissions from biomass combustion. Since October 2014 he is a professor at the department of Engineering Technology (INDI) at the VUB, a member of the European Turbine Network (ETN) and the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute. He is teaching courses on: thermodynamics, energy conversion systems, turbomachinery, HVAC, renewable energy technology and jet engines. He is the vice-chairman of the educational council of the faculty of Engineering and the vice-chairman of the curriculum board of industrial engineering.
Svend Bram and his team do experimental research on particulate emissions from biomass combustion. He has a biomass combustion lab equipped with flue gas sampling equipment like an ELPI+ for PM measurements. He also does research on the simulation, optimization and control of energy conversion systems such as district heating networks and enhanced heat recovery systems.
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1050 Brussels