Axel Coussement
After graduating from the ULB, I intended specialization in piston engines at the IFP-School. After one and a half yearsas a research engineer at the "Institut Francais du Petrole", I began a PhD Thesis performed in collaboration with the CentraleSupelec EM2C laboratory and the ULB-ATM department, during which I focus on direct numerical simulations of reactive real gas flows.
After this thesis I intended a post doc fellowship in Aachen, working on numerical simulations of a camless H2 fueled engine in collaboration with BMW. After a brief come back at the ATM department, I spend one year at the EM2C laboratory developing combustion models for rocket engines in a collaborative research project with ESA, CNES and JAXA.
I was appointed Professor at the ULB in 2016. Where I teach the course of Thermodynamics, CFD, Aircraft stability, Piston engines and part of the Data-driven Engineering course, with the goal of preparing our students to the future of the energetic transition.
My research focuses on :
- experimental and numerical research on piston engine, focusing on combined heat and power using new energy carriers like e-fuels and waste-derived fuels
- experimental combustion of new energy carriers using optical measurement techniques
- New energy paradigm in the urban area, coupling heat network with hydrogen energy storage
- Direct Numerical Simulation of reactive flows.
I am also an invited professor at the IFP-School and the CentraleSupelec
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CP 165/41
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