Full-scale demonstration of replicable technologies for hydrogen combustion in Hard-to-Abate Industries: The aluminium use-case
The project aims to address the challenges of adopting hydrogen (H2) in hard-to-abate industries (HTAIs) through a hybrid approach using digital tools and state-of-the-art experimental techniques.
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The H2GridTwin project aims at developing a digital twin for a future hydrogen-to-grid living lab.
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Enabling Sustainable combustion technologies using hybrid physics-based, data-driven modeling
This MSCA Doctoral Network within the Horizon Europe Framework Programme will create a generalized hybrid machine learning-based digital infrastructure capable of predicting the impact of Renewable Synthetic Fuels (RSF) in energy-intensive industries (EIIS).
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The CO-simulation of UNsTeady aERodynamics (COUNTER)
COUNTER: Integrating wind tunnel experiments and numerical simulations to a deeper level: A novel methodology using structured data-driven models An important challenge in the operation and maintenance of wind turbines is the accurate prediction of the unsteady aerodynamic and hydrodynami...
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The Citizens4PED project aims at contributing to the development of Positive Energy Districts (PED) in four existing neighbourhoods in Belgium, Austria and Italy, by intertwining several dimensions: techno-energetic, socio-economic, and institutional/policy.
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The FLEX-CHP project aims at quantifying the potential contribution of biomass- and waste-fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) unit to the safety of supply and to the network balance in Belgium.
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The H2-HeatNet project aims at developping a planification tool for the integration of hydrogen-based energy systems into urban district heating networks.
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CIREC - Secure and Circular Material flows for Electricity Security of Supply
The CIREC project investigates uncertainties related to international material flows that can have a strong impact on the security of electricity supply. Different material flows are investigated: geopolitical uncertainties on the natural gas supply, biomass for energy purposes, and inter...
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Investigation of aerothermodynamic phenomena of ground testing facilities
Thermal Protection System (TPS) is vital to protect capsules from the extreme heat fluxes encountered during atmospheric re-entry.
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Heat network in Brussels North District
BRITE is carrying out a pre-feasibility study for the development of a heat network in Brussels North District. The heat demand and the potential green heat sources will be mapped out.
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The ORCHESTRA project aims at investigating the Operational Characterisation of Sugar Cane residues for Energy Production in the Cuban Industry.
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